More than 6.000 m2 of facilities host a new training concept: a training under a simulation environment, which places SENASA in a privileged position among the best aeronautical training schools around the world.
SENASA has the required technology and expertise to design ATC scenarios, both aerodrome and en-route, of any airport or airspace around the world. In those scenarios, students can develop the manoeuvres tests, as well as aviation professionals training, considering that they can reproduce many operational conditions, environments and levels of difficulty, with absolute accuracy.
Each 180 ° simulator contains:
Every simulator reproduces the scenarios accessible from an ATC Tower, with a digital 360º projection system of high resolution. The mobile´s elements movements may be produced automatically by the system itself through the Air Traffic Generator, or from the pseudo-pilots positions, which include computer tools to generate exercises with different levels of difficulty.
The visual system simulates air and terrestrial traffic, with an option to recreate the mobile elements, aircraft and vehicles option, and cause in them anomalous circumstances, like fire, smoke in the engine, etcetera. This includes a catalogue of more than 200 mobile models.
SENASA currently has a variety of airport scenarios for initial and advanced training.
Each simulator contains:
The Route Control Simulator is an accurate reproduction of a Control Center, under the Automated System for Air Traffic Control (SACTA III FOCUCS).
Its complete equipment allows the student to operate in en-route and APP scenarios, in the procedural control mode (without radar).
Each room has 1 instructor position and 24 student positions, and can reproduce independently the airspaces of Tower and Route/APP simulators. Each student position can work in local mode (independent workstation and single use) or presimulation (simulation of radar environment with signals received from an Air Traffic Generator and flights controlled by pseudo-pilots).
CBT rooms allow the training in a self-evaluation and visual environment. This allows access to simulation environments with extensive knowledge and control techniques, which leads to a significant reduction of the period of training and the need for simulator use.
These are rooms associated with simulation spaces, equipped with mechanisms of 3 projection channels. This allows monitoring and discussion of exercises in simulators, live or recorded, as much to Tower as to Route or APP.
These units are intended to reproduce and use data, which makes them a tool of high pedagogical functionality, able to support the training work, providing teachers with the opportunity to prepare and discuss the exercise to be carried out (briefing), as well as to analyze and discuss the sessions completed (de briefing).