Madrid, December 17th, 2021
The General Directorate for the Environment of the European Commission (DG ENV), in cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions, has created the "Zero Pollution Action stakeholders platform", in order to bring together stakeholders and experts from different policy areas (health, agriculture, research and innovation, transportation, digitization, and the environment) to incorporate the “Zero Pollution” agenda, help create national and regional initiatives, promote collaboration and foster solutions. and integrated actions that maximize synergies with decarbonization and post-COVID-19 recovery efforts.
Our expert in aviation noise, Ana García, participates in this platform, which is made up of 35 international representatives. SENASA is thus positioned in the forum to support the European Commission for the definition of essential strategies for aviation in this recovery period.
The Zero Pollution Platform includes initiatives and actions under the umbrella of the "European Green Deal", which is specified in packages of measures and programs such as "Fit for 55" to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, and neutrality by 2050; or the “Zero Pollution Action Plan” which adopts measures to achieve clear zero pollution objectives by 2050 and sets minimum reduction by 2030 of 55% in the health repercussions of air pollution, or 30% of the population that suffers from chronic transport noise annoyances, or 50% municipal waste that goes to landfill.