Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica S.M.E. M.P. S.A.
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Madrid, May 5th, 2022


SENASA launches a new set of courses for ATC professionals. This was announced during the celebration of the Open Day session that took place in person at the SENASA headquarters in Madrid, and online broadcast, attended by around a hundred of people. This new SENASA 2022/2023 training offer responds to a training need for new professionals in Initial Air Control Training, in response to the recent call for new air controllers run by ENAIRE.


SENASA launches this time two courses with their corresponding ratings and annotations, including in both cases GMS annotation training. On the one hand, a Full course is offered, which includes basic initial training, Tower control (ADI/ADV and RAD TWR GMS annotations), Approach (APP/APS and TCL annotation) and Route (ACP/ACS). On the other hand, it is offered a Module 2 course, which includes training in Approach (APP/APS) and Route (ACP/ACS) control.


Both courses are expected to start between four and five weeks after the final candidates’ resolution from ENAIRE is published. The Full course will last approximately 47 weeks, and Module 2, around 28 weeks. Depending on the demand, SENASA will offer up to 48 seats for the Full course and 24 for Module 2. New in this edition, it will be possible to choose to carry out part of the theoretical training in an online or a face-to-face format.


During the Open Day session at SENASA, focused on the presentation of the new training program, the public attending in person had the opportunity to participate in an immersive session in which they were able to learn from the team of qualified instructors and the technical team of the SENASA Air Control School about the methodology, the operation of the replica simulators and the particularities of the ratings of the Initial Air Control Training.


Permanent listening and quality attention allow SENASA to offer excellent training that is reflected into a continuous improvement, best adaptation and updating of the exercises, the air spaces and the characteristics of the aircraft with which the students are going to be trained. With this in mind, this new 22/23 edition will include an extra module of adaptation to Unit Training before each student joins his/her destination. This intends to facilitate the consolidation of learning and the settlement of specific skills to the corresponding destination: Tower, Approach or Route.


SENASA is a national and international benchmark in the provision of aeronautical training services. SENASA’s Air Control School has extensive experience, with more than 2,000 air traffic control students trained in its classrooms since 1995. A team of highly qualified instructors and experts in the design of ATC simulation exercises teach the courses in simulators. replica, with equipment and software (SACTA) used by ENAIRE. SENASA is also certified by the State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) as an ATC Training Center in the specialties of Tower, Approach and Route, in accordance with national and European regulations.


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