Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica S.M.E. M.P. S.A.
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Madrid, July 8th, 2021


SENASA celebrates its 30th Anniversary in 2021. In these three decades SENASA has lived in constant evolution. Some of the presidents who were in charge of SENASA at different times in their career have joined us in this celebration by sharing their memories and making a retrospective of the challenges and achievements they experienced during their years as head of SENASA. We began this commemorative series with Francisco Quereda, president of SENASA between 2000 and 2004.




With Francisco Quereda as president, SENASA experienced great changes in its activity. On the one hand, in 2002, the entry into operation of the new simulator building for the ATM training represented an unprecedented technological advance in the sector. Aeronautical training also experienced an improvement with the implementation of e-learning projects, which at that time was an innovative tool for aeronautical training. In those years, the declaration of SENASA as the Administration's instrumental mean in aeronautical issues allowed it to develop a large part of its activity in the field of safety consulting and management, providing a quality service to other public entities. SENASA's international activity also increased then through the signing of collaboration agreements with various organizations in Europe, Central and South America.


Here Francisco Quereda explains to us how all these advances were experienced from SENASA and throughout the aeronautical sector.


What is your best memory of SENASA?


I joined SENASA on November 1st, 2000 and remained in the company until December 23rd, 2004, after that I joined the Air Navigation Directorate, today ENAIRE. From those four years I keep an extraordinary memory of the company and the people that made it up. In my opinion, these were times of enthusiasm and transformation shared by all SENASA employees.


In that period, I believe it was important for organization to be declared as Instrumental Mean and Technical Service of the Administration, which occurred at a length of time that can be considered record, during the General State Budgets Law 24/2001.


I remember those years with my recognition of the effort and commitment of all the workers, who contributed to the evolution of organization towards the provision of technical support services to the Administration in areas related to air transport.


What initiatives and activities would you highlight from your time leading SENASA?


As I mentioned, the declaration of Instrumental Mean and Technical Service has marked the evolution of SENASA very positively. At the same time, during those four years, SENASA made an effort on ATM training for the Air Navigation Directorate, currently ENAIRE, allowing a significant number of new air traffic controllers to join AENA.


We also tried to highlight the gliding facilities, mainly in Ocaña, and we promoted our activity in the Aircraft Maintenance Unit in Salamanca, with agreements with the Air Force.


It is also worthy of remark the Collaboration Agreement with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to support its Technical Directorate, mainly in the area of Latin America.


What strengths define SENASA as an organization serving the public sector?


An Instrumental Mean for the State General Administration must have technological capacity, efficiency and economic sustainability. In this case, SENASA meets all those requirements. It has magnificent professionals, it is efficient and it has shown its economic sustainability over the years. I believe that specialization is very important in the Instrumental Mean, and not to become a generalist resource, and in that aspect I believe that SENASA also fulfills that condition.


How do you appraise the future of SENASA?


I believe that SENASA has established itself as an important support for the Administration, fundamentally in the aeronautical field, and is a strategic element for the Ministry of Transport. That specialization that I mentioned previously is a value for the company that it must keep and continue promoting. I also believe that there are opportunities in the international field that must continue to be developed, thus extending the experience and knowledge acquired at the national level.


SENASA's group of excellent professionals guarantees a very positive future for the company. It is a mature company of 30 years that I am sure maintains the illusion and the desire to grow every day.


From here, I wish you the best, above all because it has been an important part of my professional and personal life, of which I keep a wonderful memory.


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