Madrid, June 30th, 2021
SENASA signs an agreement with the Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda, along with other public entities, with the purpose of reinforcing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Spain and collaborating to jointly develop initiatives, studies, programs, measures and actions which ensures compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. SENASA, as instrumental mean and technical service of the General Administration, develops its activity mainly in the aeronautical sector and has the 2030 Agenda among its strategic objectives.
The purpose of this agreement is to set the framework for collaboration between the Secretary of State for Agenda 2030 and the signatory companies and public entities, with an initial duration of four years. Together with SENASA, the public entities that sign this agreement are ADIF, RENFE, RTVE, ENAIRE, AENA, ICO, ISDEFE, PARADORES DE TURISMO, LOTERÍAS Y BETAS DEL ESTADO, SASEMAR, PUERTOS DEL ESTADO, CDTI, SEGIPSA, ICEX, MERCASA, INECO and SEPES.
Each of these organizations, upon on the nature of their activity, will develop initiatives that facilitate the execution of projects and actions aimed at meeting the SDGs. Among other matters, this agreement includes the exchange of good practices for the effective implementation of the SDGs, the development of joint projects, including certifications of goods and services, sharing of informative activities and training actions on the SDGs, among other measures.
This collaboration arises from the General Directorate of Leverage Policies for the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda which, through the Secretary of State for the 2030 Agenda, encourage the promotion, development and implementation of policies and measures that accelerate the fulfillment of the Agenda 2030 in our country, through the promotion of collaborations like this one with the public and private sectors, civil society organizations and other actors committed to it.
Adherence to this agreement represents a further step for SENASA in its commitment to meeting the objectives that are already included in its own Strategic Plan 2021-2023, and which are aligned with the company's Vision: to effectively provide its services with quality efficiency, safety, ethics and professionalism, offering innovative solutions that help to guarantee social development and economic and environmental sustainability, contributing with the organization’s knowledge and experience to other sectors.