Madrid, August 27th, 2020
On August 25, a new Initial Training Course for Tower, Approach and Area Controllers ended at SENASA. A total of 49 students have successfully passed the different phases of the program and will soon be able to obtain their ATC licenses with all the control ratings (ADI, ADV, APP, APS, ACP and ACS). In this way, they will have the necessary qualifications to join the unit training in the different providers of air navigation services that operate in Spanish airspace.
This is an edition in which both the students, as well as the SENASA teaching, technical and administrative staff, have successfully overcome the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus outbreak made it necessary to interrupt the simulations for several weeks during the validity of the State of Alarm. In this period, theoretical classes were delivered in a telematic format, after authorization by AESA.
SENASA's Own Prevention Service developed different protocols, in which standards and means were established to minimize the risk of contagion by SARS-COV-2. Likewise, the ATC Tower and Radar simulators were adapted in order to maintain the necessary protection measures and safety distances.