Madrid, June 14th, 2019
The association Ellas Vuelan Alto (EVA) was created in September 2018 to consolidate and enhance the visibility of women in the aerospace industry in Spain. Based on the vision of equality as reflected in the Magna Carta of the United Nations, the association acts in the business, academic, political and administrative levels, to promote values of integration and inclusion and eliminate any form of discrimination against women.
The President of SENASA, Andrés Arranz Stancel, and the President of EVA, Teresa Busto del Castillo, signed the incorporation of SENASA to the association on June 13, at the headquarters of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
With its adherence to EVA, SENASA reinforces its commitment to make the aerospace industry become an environment with a higher level of equality, promoting the creation and development of initiatives that give voice and recognition to women who are already referents.
For more information about the objectives and activities of EVA, click here