Madrid, April 19th, 2017
SENASA Informs that the term has been extended for the presentation of offers for the sale of a Full Flight CITATION's Simulator III until 2 p.m. of May 5, 2017.
The term extension for offers does not concern the period for the disassembly and retreat of the flight simulator established in the paragraph 2.4 of the of request of offers Purchase Document.
Across the following link you can accede to this document referring to the flight simulator CITATION III FFS LEVEL CG.
Madrid, March 31th, 2017
SENASA will proceed to the sale of a Full Flight Simulator (CITATION III). In order to provide the sale process with the highest transparency and publicity, SENASA will open a process for the request of purchase offers, in which any natural or legal person who submits an admissible offer in accordance with the provisions of the Document of Request for Offers, and meets the qualification requirements necessary to conclude the contract, will be able to participate.
Interested companies may request additional technical information or arrange a visit to SENASA’s Flight Simulators Center sending an email to Luis Moreno, Technical Support and Projects Manager (, with the subject CITATION.
The deadline for submission of bids ends at 14:00 on April 21, 2017 (local time in Madrid).