Madrid, September 23rd, 2022
SENASA's airport safety has accumulated a great deal of experience since it began collaborating in 2003 with the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) to become the reference consultant on safety in airport environments for national and international aviation authorities.
Arturo Madrigal, Head of Airports Project, explains in MEET OUR TEAM how SENASA's airport safety area has been formed, what its teams, in which 20 expert professionals currently work, are like and what they do in airports, airfields, heliports, hydro-airfields and the new vertiports, as well as in UAS and wildlife management. The experience and specialized knowledge gathered through all these years have allowed institutions such as AESA, EASA, Eurocontrol and ICAO, among others, to trust SENASA for national and international aviation consulting, legislation and training projects.
SENASA's support to the aeronautical authorities is also reflected in the participation of our experts in different national and international working groups with responsibility for the development, maintenance and updating of technical safety regulations at airports, aerodromes, heliports, hydro-aerodromes and vertiports.
Throughout these two decades, SENASA has adapted to the needs of the aeronautical authority. Now we should be ready for the next challenges that SENASA will have to face, for which, as Arturo Madrigal explains, it will be necessary to strengthen the team of professionals and incorporate new high-level specialists able of providing the advice required by the civil aviation authorities and other agencies in airport safety.