Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica S.M.E. M.P. S.A.
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Madrid, November 18th, 2022


SENASA celebrates the graduation of a new promotion of air traffic controllers from Cape Verde, who have completed their initial Tower training at SENASA's Air Traffic Control School in Madrid. During this graduation ceremony, the students received their diplomas from the President and CEO of SENASA, Andrés Arranz, together with the President of the Board of Directors and CEO of the Airport Authority of Cape Verde (ASA), Jorge Benchimol Duarte.


The graduates were accompanied during the event by a diplomatic representative of the Embassy of Cape Verde in Spain, Dña. Odete Maria Lopes Silva Alves, SENASA's Air Navigation and Operations Manager, the team of instructors, and members of the School of Air Traffic Control.


The course, certified by the Cape Verde Civil Aviation Agency AAC, consisted of two parts: a first basic theory training and then the Tower Control training, which included theory and simulation. This training received along 16 weeks allows these 13 students (six women and seven men) to obtain their student tower controller licence, with ADI and ADV ratings. SENASA has carried out the complete cycle for the training of these graduates, from the selection process of candidates which were held both in Cape Verde and Madrid, to the subsequent training of those selected in SENASA'S facilities in Madrid.


The Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of the Cape Verde Airport Authority (ASA), Jorge Benchimol Duarte, stressed that in the authority's decision about the training of its air traffic controllers they wanted to count on SENASA "for the training of a group of young people who are going to take on such an important task for our country". He also explained that "had not been SENASA accredited by the Cape Verde Civil Aviation Agency, we would not be here now". The head of the Cape Verdean authority acknowledged SENASA, the Fundo de Promoção do Emprego e da Formação, and all those who collaborated in the process for making this project possible "in this school with such a excellent reputation in the European Union


Andrés Arranz also thanked ASA for having counted on SENASA to carry out this project, highlighting that "for us it has been a very important project, in which instructors, simulator technicians, school staff and all those who have participated in the selection and training have exceeded their best so that it could be developed with all its excellence". "You leave here with the best possible training in air traffic control," added the SENASA President, "you are now going to start a demanding and tough profession, and you should be confident that you have been trained by the best school in Europe"


SENASA is an expert in the provision of aeronautical training services, as well as consultancy, technical assistance, aircraft maintenance and operation. SENASA is certified by the Spanish Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) as an ATC training centre for Tower, Approach and Area Ratings, in accordance with European and national regulations (Reg. 340/2015) and also by the Cape Verde Civil Aviation Authority. Our ATC training centre is a national and international reference, having trained more than 3500 air traffic controllers worldwide since 1995. To this end, it has a team of highly qualified instructors and experts who are responsible for the design of ATC simulation exercises. Our courses are taught in replica simulators, equipped with systems and software (SACTA) and under the European requirements included in the European Regulation 340/2015.


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