Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica S.M.E. M.P. S.A.
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Madrid, March 15th, 2023


SENASA's experience in the UAS field has been developing for more than a decade. In fact, SENASA has transferred its more than 20 years of experience in conventional aircraft pilots training to the current needs of this emerging market. Jorge Manchado, aeronautical expert technician, specialised in UAS at SENASA, knows this well and explains in this interview with MEET OUR TEAM how this UAS training area has evolved.


What are commonly referred to as "drones" have undergone a great and constant evolution from a technical and regulatory point of view. Drones, RPAS, UAS... it is an essential question to understand that a drone, no matter what it is, remains an aircraft and its operation is also regulated by a complex European and national regulatory framework, and therefore operators and pilots training is crucial in order to fly a drone safely. "At SENASA we are committed to quality training based on the broadest aeronautical and UAS sector knowledge, and on excellence in training, these are two fundamental pillars of our business performance".


SENASA taught the first RPAS pilot training course in 2012, when there were still no Spanish or international civil regulations or even a theoretical syllabus. Since then SENASA has already trained 52 promotions of RPAS/UAS pilots, being the first aeronautical training school in Spain to conduct drone courses. Jorge Manchado explains how SENASA has been constantly evolving to complete the training offer for the different certifications in the UAS field. "Our mission is to respond to the needs of the customer, of the market, of the new scenarios that are emerging with drone applications in different business areas and activities, so SENASA's catalogue of courses is constantly adapting to these needs".


The application of European UAS regulations is not simple either and often requires an in-depth study and analysis of applicability prior to the operation to be carried out. With the entry into force in 2020 of the European aeronautical regulations on civil UAS, the number of UAS operators and remote pilots in Spain has grown exponentially. This is a very competitive sector and demands UAS operators and pilots with solid and extensive theoretical and practical knowledge.


The UAS Division of the Spanish Aviation Safety and Security Agency (AESA), with the support of SENASA experts integrated in its team, does an excellent job of disseminating and updating information and training. They have achieved top-level prestige in the aeronautical field, not only in Europe but also internationally.


The integration of UAS, not only in the airspace but also in our lives, will represent a new Era in Aviation; a innovative and revolutionary stage that will require personnel (remote pilots, operators, designers, producers, developers, etc.) experienced, qualified, and skilled to the highest level. SENASA will be part of these new scenarios; it has extensive experience in areas with application in the UAS environment, such as Physical and Operational Safety, Air Navigation, Meteorology, Airports, Environmental Sustainability and the Aeronautical Legal field, among others.


Read here the complete interview.


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