Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica S.M.E. M.P. S.A.
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Madrid, June 16th, 2023


SENASA adapts the Ethical Box and its Internal Reporting System to respond to regulatory developments that, as of June 13th 2023, extend the protection of persons reporting regulatory and anti-corruption violations.


Within the scope of its Criminal Risk Management System, SENASA has a Complaints and Reports Box as an instrument to transmit any consultation, suggestion, discrepancy of interpretation or alleged breach of the Code of Ethics. This channel is the preferred reporting system, through which all persons who form part of SENASA's stakeholders (staff, suppliers, customers, contracting parties and citizens) can inform the Ethics and Compliance Committee (CEC), as the body responsible for the supervision and monitoring of prevention measures, of the alleged commission of a criminal act or the existence of a procedural or organisational weakness that could generate a risk. However, they can also be submitted through the External Reporting System of the Independent Authority for Complainant Protection.


With the entry into force of the new regulation, SENASA extends the material scope of its Ethical Box and adapts it to act as a channel for reports and complaints, not only in the aforementioned areas, but also in the material area specified in Article 2 of the new regulation.


The main changes to the system are as follows:


  • Express references to Law 2/2023 of February 20th are included, as well as general principles of the System and the measures for the complainant protection provided in that law.
  • It is determined that the CEC, as the body in charge of the management of SENASA's Ethical Box, will continue to be responsible for the Information System, and that the person in charge will manage the system and process the information files.
  • Express provision is made for the possibility of submitting verbal complaints.
  • The obligations of confidentiality and data protection are reinforced, with the participation of SENASA's Data Protection Delegate, as guarantor of compliance with the regulations in this area.
  • Finally, the deadlines for the investigation files are modified, to align them with the maximum investigation period provided by the law (3 months from the communication acknowledgement of receipt).



With regard to the dissemination and communication of these Internal Information System modifications, SENASA provides users with a direct access to the Complaints and Reports Box from the very home page of its corporate website.


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