Madrid, November 29th, 2023
Personal data treatment is present in one way or another in our daily lives, whether in our work environment or outside it. We are talking about any information relating to a natural person whose data is treated on a daily basis in countless personal and business situations. We interviewed Alberto Muñoz Hidalgo, SENASA's Data Protection Officer (DPO) who explains the importance of personal data protection in the workplace and the growing legislative relevance of this legal area of the company.
In Spain, personal data are afforded maximum protection, as they are recognised in the Constitution itself as fundamental rights. Moreover, as it is also protected by European legislation, it is an additional guarantee when facing numerous risks in today's society, as a result of globalisation, technological evolution, the digitalisation of processes and the development of new digital tools for everyday use.
Legislation on personal data protection, which even extends to criminal law, is evolving and developing in line with the needs of this society. Recently, the so-called "whistleblower protection law" has arisen, which has led to the creation of the figure of the DPO in the organisation. Its mission is to ensure compliance with measures to preserve the identity and consequent integrity of the worker who reports any irregularity, offence or crime committed within the company. To facilitate this process SENASA has a mailbox for reports, complaints, queries or suggestions that the Ethics and Compliance Committee (CEC) investigates and resolves, taking the utmost care to scrupulously respect the personal rights of the people affected.
Among the functions of the DPO, an obligatory figure in a company like SENASA which acts transversally and independently within the organisation, he informs and advises all the people who make up the company on how to treat personal data in their daily work. He is also the liaison point with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, which is the highest administrative authority on the matter at national level.
SENASA is very aware of the protection of personal data in the development of policies, procedures and documents of the company, available to all interested persons, such as the Protocol for the Exercise of Personal Data Protection Rights, the Information Security Strategy 2022-2026, the Information Security Policy, SENASA's Code of Ethics, the Criminal Risk Prevention Manual, the Internal Information System and the Management Procedure for the Mailbox for Reports, Complaints, Queries and Suggestions. All this is available on SENASA's website and on the intranet for its staff, accessible to anyone since its compliance and observance concerns everyone.
Read here the complete interview