Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica S.M.E. M.P. S.A.
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  • PRESENCIAL: from 03 to 06 June 2025  COMING SOON
  • VIRTUAL: from 03 to 06 June 2025  COMING SOON
  • Quality audits are requirements established by the different aeronautical regulations for all the companies of the sector, including design, production of pieces and parts, operation of aircraft and maintenance. The aeronautical sector is characterized by very strict safety requirements and by a continuous audit process, affecting manufacturers, subcontractors, authorities, operators and maintenance centers. The development of audits needs qualified and trained personnel in audit techniques, guaranteeing to the company a clear vision of the state of its processes and to assure the early detection of the deviations and their possible corrections, allowing the compliance with the aeronautical regulation.
  • The content of the course develops the requirements and practices of audit in the aeronautical sector with a practical conception of its structure, which will try to familiarize the participants in the applicability and development of audits in the different types of companies of the sector. Moreover, the course has been designed to comply with the requirements established by the AESA in order that the assistants could accredit have received training in quality (i.e. IC 31-08).

Course objetive:

  • Training of the assistants in the requirements, applicability and methodologies of audits in the aeronautical sector. Obtain the qualification as internal auditor: for it, it is necessary to have received a training in the this subject, knowing the audit techniques and the processes needed for its performance, and on the other hand, accredit a practical experience in the development of real audits in which the future auditor is formed and qualifies be able to put them in practice.
  • The assistants will receive a certificate that accredits their theoretical training as internal auditor. After that and once they complete their practical training according to the procedures established for this subject in their own organizations, they will be able to get to his qualification as internal auditors.

Addressed to:

  • Companies and professionals of the aeronautical sector with responsibility in Departments of Quality and Audits.
  • Maintenance Companies, production, design and operations of the aeronautical sector.
  • Aeronautical Authorities Staff who deals with audits and inspections

Technical requirements virtual mode:

  • Cable connection preferably to avoid connection failures
  • MANDATORY webcam and headphones connected throughout the course (not use pc speaker to avoid coupling sound)


  • Current edition: Spanish
  • Custom edition: Request


  • Current edition: 925 € (VAT exempt)
  • In-company or virtual edition: Contact us
  • Quality audits are requirements established by the different aeronautical regulations for all the companies of the sector, including design, production of pieces and parts, operation of aircraft and maintenance. The aeronautical sector is characterized by very strict safety requirements and by a continuous audit process, affecting manufacturers, subcontractors, authorities, operators and maintenance centers. The development of audits needs qualified and trained personnel in audit techniques, guaranteeing to the company a clear vision of the state of its processes and to assure the early detection of the deviations and their possible corrections, allowing the compliance with the aeronautical regulation.
  • The content of the course develops the requirements and practices of audit in the aeronautical sector with a practical conception of its structure, which will try to familiarize the participants in the applicability and development of audits in the different types of companies of the sector. Moreover, the course has been designed to comply with the requirements established by the AESA in order that the assistants could accredit have received training in quality (i.e. IC 31-08).

Course objetive:

  • Training of the assistants in the requirements, applicability and methodologies of audits in the aeronautical sector. Obtain the qualification as internal auditor: for it, it is necessary to have received a training in the this subject, knowing the audit techniques and the processes needed for its performance, and on the other hand, accredit a practical experience in the development of real audits in which the future auditor is formed and qualifies be able to put them in practice.
  • The assistants will receive a certificate that accredits their theoretical training as internal auditor. After that and once they complete their practical training according to the procedures established for this subject in their own organizations, they will be able to get to his qualification as internal auditors.

Addressed to:

  • Companies and professionals of the aeronautical sector with responsibility in Departments of Quality and Audits.
  • Maintenance Companies, production, design and operations of the aeronautical sector.
  • Aeronautical Authorities Staff who deals with audits and inspections

Technical requirements virtual mode:

  • Cable connection preferably to avoid connection failures
  • MANDATORY webcam and headphones connected throughout the course (not use pc speaker to avoid coupling sound)


  • Current edition: Spanish
  • Custom edition: Request


  • Current edition: 925 € (VAT exempt)
  • In-company or virtual edition: Contact us
Trainair Plus
REGISTRO MERCANTIL: TOMO 838, FOLIO 121, HOJA 16835. C.I.F.: A-79818423