Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica S.M.E. M.P. S.A.
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Course objective

Adequately train remote pilots in the planning and execution of flights in BVLOS operations (beyond line of sight), within standard operational scenarios (operator declaration) and/or outside of these (operator authorization), according to safe and effective way.

Application regulations

Execution Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of the Commission, of May 24, 2019, regarding the rules and procedures applicable to the use of unmanned aircraft.
Execution Regulation (EU) 2020/639 of the Commission, of May 12, 2020.
Resolution of December 4, 2020, of the Directorate of the State Aviation Safety Agency (BOE No. 335 of December 24, 2020).
AMC3 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(d) Responsibilities of the UAS operator (UAS operation-specific endorsement modules).
Guidance material regarding the training of remote pilots in the 'Specific' category under the AESA authorization regime (v.1-09/09/2021).

Course program


1. Aeronautical Law (Regulations applicable to UAS operations in BVLOS).
2. Planning of the operation: operations in STS scenarios / Outside of STS scenarios.
3. Day/night BVLOS operations.
4. BVLOS operations in RLOS. BVLOS operations in BRLOS.
5. On-board sensors and systems.
6. Link C2.
7. Link C3.
8. UAS remote crew.


At least 3 hours of BVLOS flight in the appropriate UAS category, including:

  • 3 hours of double command instruction.
  • 5 takeoffs and 5 landings.

Course details

  • Duration:
    • Theoretical part: 5 hours (1 day from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) (including a 30' break).
    • Practical part: 3 hours of flight in BVLOS operations (≤2 km/>2 km with respect to the remote pilot), all of them supervised by the instructor.
  • Venue: The face-to-face part will be taught online through Microsoft Teams. The practice will be held at a flight field, coordinating the date depending on the weather.
  • Price: €625 (includes theoretical training + practical training and the aircraft to carry out the course).
  • Language: Spanish.
  • Limited places. Small practice groups of 2 students/day.

Cancellation policy

To cancel your attendance, please send an email at least 7 days before the beginning of the course. This will allow you to receive a reimbursement of 90% of the price of the course (the remaining 10% will be considered as management costs).

In the case that cancellation is not communicated, or if it is done within a less-than-6 days period before the beginning of the course, no reimbursement shall be made to the student.

If you are unable to attend the course, as an alternative to cancellation you have the option of having someone else replacing you in your course registration. To do this, you must communicate their data by email letting us know the change at least 24 hours prior to the start date of the course. In this case, no amount will be refunded.

In case of cancellation due to force majeure accredited (death, accident, serious illness or hospitalization, in all of these cases, in his own person or to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity), the student shall be entitled to reimbursement.

In case that the minimum number of students is not reached, SENASA holds the right to cancel the course, and will make full reimbursement of the price already paid by the students.

Course objective

Adequately train remote pilots in the planning and execution of flights in BVLOS operations (beyond line of sight), within standard operational scenarios (operator declaration) and/or outside of these (operator authorization), according to safe and effective way.

Application regulations

Execution Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of the Commission, of May 24, 2019, regarding the rules and procedures applicable to the use of unmanned aircraft.
Execution Regulation (EU) 2020/639 of the Commission, of May 12, 2020.
Resolution of December 4, 2020, of the Directorate of the State Aviation Safety Agency (BOE No. 335 of December 24, 2020).
AMC3 UAS.SPEC.050(1)(d) Responsibilities of the UAS operator (UAS operation-specific endorsement modules).
Guidance material regarding the training of remote pilots in the 'Specific' category under the AESA authorization regime (v.1-09/09/2021).

Course program


1. Aeronautical Law (Regulations applicable to UAS operations in BVLOS).
2. Planning of the operation: operations in STS scenarios / Outside of STS scenarios.
3. Day/night BVLOS operations.
4. BVLOS operations in RLOS. BVLOS operations in BRLOS.
5. On-board sensors and systems.
6. Link C2.
7. Link C3.
8. UAS remote crew.


At least 3 hours of BVLOS flight in the appropriate UAS category, including:

  • 3 hours of double command instruction.
  • 5 takeoffs and 5 landings.

Course details

  • Duration:
    • Theoretical part: 5 hours (1 day from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) (including a 30' break).
    • Practical part: 3 hours of flight in BVLOS operations (≤2 km/>2 km with respect to the remote pilot), all of them supervised by the instructor.
  • Venue: The face-to-face part will be taught online through Microsoft Teams. The practice will be held at a flight field, coordinating the date depending on the weather.
  • Price: €625 (includes theoretical training + practical training and the aircraft to carry out the course).
  • Language: Spanish.
  • Limited places. Small practice groups of 2 students/day.

Cancellation policy

To cancel your attendance, please send an email at least 7 days before the beginning of the course. This will allow you to receive a reimbursement of 90% of the price of the course (the remaining 10% will be considered as management costs).

In the case that cancellation is not communicated, or if it is done within a less-than-6 days period before the beginning of the course, no reimbursement shall be made to the student.

If you are unable to attend the course, as an alternative to cancellation you have the option of having someone else replacing you in your course registration. To do this, you must communicate their data by email letting us know the change at least 24 hours prior to the start date of the course. In this case, no amount will be refunded.

In case of cancellation due to force majeure accredited (death, accident, serious illness or hospitalization, in all of these cases, in his own person or to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity), the student shall be entitled to reimbursement.

In case that the minimum number of students is not reached, SENASA holds the right to cancel the course, and will make full reimbursement of the price already paid by the students.

Trainair Plus
REGISTRO MERCANTIL: TOMO 838, FOLIO 121, HOJA 16835. C.I.F.: A-79818423