Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica S.M.E. M.P. S.A.
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  • Regardless of financing crisis involving the world for some years up to date, air transport liberalization and emerging economies growth keep on stimulating the air traffic demand. Above economy problems and high oil prices, air traffic is keeping a smooth but constant increasing tendency that forecast estimates of a 5% in annual growth for the period 2011-2030. In the meantime, cargo figures forecast a 6% in annual growth for the same period..
  • According to last Boeing Market Outlook Report, in the next 18 years, more than 30.000 new commercial airplanes will be delivered including airliners, regional and cargo fleets thus bringing global fleet from current 19.000 to more than 36.000 airplanes for the year 2030.
  • Airbus Market Outlook, published this year, forecast that the commercial global fleet will double up in the coming next 20 years from 15.000 existing planes up to 31.000 for the year 2030.. For cargo, 1.600 existing will increase up to 3.450 for the same year. These figures represent 27.850 new planes for the period.

  • All these deliveries will represent a very important challenge for air operators who must be ready for selection, contracting, acceptance and delivery of many airplanes in processes representing a significant economic impact into their exploitation accounts.
  • Frequently, we hear experiences of failed business due to wrong airplane selection because of market needs or about millions in losses for delays in new machines delivery, thus forcing operators to hire substitution airplanes, Also, operators of leased planes know very well the difficulties that arise from re-delivery processes which compromise costs and security deposits. Aviation is a business in which planning, contracting and maintenance errors produce a counterpart so big that it may jeopardize the survival of the business itself..
  • In this challenging scenario, SENASA presents the course “Aircraft Delivery and Acceptance Processes”, intended for operators and the rest of agents involved in plane delivery. Through the course, all the different stages like moving in synchrony during acquisition, leasing, return and sale projects will be under detailed review in a comprehensive program covering all main aspects. Business Plan concept in preparation and development will be introduced in order to acquire knowledge to use this tool to succeed in a smooth execution of airplane commercial management.

Course Objective::

  • To reach a general knowledge of every process needed to complete an Aircraft Inclusion and a Delivery Project and details about contracting possibilities.
  • Basic training needed for team management in charge of acceptance and delivery processes and plannification of all the projects and sub-processes.
  • General scope on all aspects derived from acceptance and delivery projects in each of the affected responsibility areas.
  • General scope on specific processes related to light, regional, corporate, cargo and airline aviation including pistons, jets and helicopters.

Addressed to:

  • Air Operator companies and professionals.
  • Companies and individuals involved in acquisition/sale processes.
  • Air authorities involved in aircraft administration.


  • Spanish


  • 950€ (VAT exempt)
  • Regardless of financing crisis involving the world for some years up to date, air transport liberalization and emerging economies growth keep on stimulating the air traffic demand. Above economy problems and high oil prices, air traffic is keeping a smooth but constant increasing tendency that forecast estimates of a 5% in annual growth for the period 2011-2030. In the meantime, cargo figures forecast a 6% in annual growth for the same period..
  • According to last Boeing Market Outlook Report, in the next 18 years, more than 30.000 new commercial airplanes will be delivered including airliners, regional and cargo fleets thus bringing global fleet from current 19.000 to more than 36.000 airplanes for the year 2030.
  • Airbus Market Outlook, published this year, forecast that the commercial global fleet will double up in the coming next 20 years from 15.000 existing planes up to 31.000 for the year 2030.. For cargo, 1.600 existing will increase up to 3.450 for the same year. These figures represent 27.850 new planes for the period.

  • All these deliveries will represent a very important challenge for air operators who must be ready for selection, contracting, acceptance and delivery of many airplanes in processes representing a significant economic impact into their exploitation accounts.
  • Frequently, we hear experiences of failed business due to wrong airplane selection because of market needs or about millions in losses for delays in new machines delivery, thus forcing operators to hire substitution airplanes, Also, operators of leased planes know very well the difficulties that arise from re-delivery processes which compromise costs and security deposits. Aviation is a business in which planning, contracting and maintenance errors produce a counterpart so big that it may jeopardize the survival of the business itself..
  • In this challenging scenario, SENASA presents the course “Aircraft Delivery and Acceptance Processes”, intended for operators and the rest of agents involved in plane delivery. Through the course, all the different stages like moving in synchrony during acquisition, leasing, return and sale projects will be under detailed review in a comprehensive program covering all main aspects. Business Plan concept in preparation and development will be introduced in order to acquire knowledge to use this tool to succeed in a smooth execution of airplane commercial management.

Course Objective::

  • To reach a general knowledge of every process needed to complete an Aircraft Inclusion and a Delivery Project and details about contracting possibilities.
  • Basic training needed for team management in charge of acceptance and delivery processes and plannification of all the projects and sub-processes.
  • General scope on all aspects derived from acceptance and delivery projects in each of the affected responsibility areas.
  • General scope on specific processes related to light, regional, corporate, cargo and airline aviation including pistons, jets and helicopters.

Addressed to:

  • Air Operator companies and professionals.
  • Companies and individuals involved in acquisition/sale processes.
  • Air authorities involved in aircraft administration.


  • Spanish


  • 950€ (VAT exempt)
Trainair Plus
REGISTRO MERCANTIL: TOMO 838, FOLIO 121, HOJA 16835. C.I.F.: A-79818423