Servicios y Estudios para la Navegación Aérea y la Seguridad Aeronáutica S.M.E. M.P. S.A.
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This course includes the contents needed for developing a maintenance program for both CMPA and OtCMPA as per EASA Regulation (EU) 1321/2014, Annex I M.A. 302, and its AMC / GM.

It includes an specific module about MSG-3 methodology, where all the process established in this logic are detailed, in order to define the periodic maintenance task.

Also the manuals and documents to be included during the Operator Maintenance Program (OAMP) developing are detailed with some practical examples.

Several special cases will be defines, as the OMP needed for ETOPS, Low Utilization Program (LUP), storage program and maintenance task equalization, in order to have the best practical and economical control.

Spanish CAA approval procedure will be explained, using the guides and formats required by NAA.

Finally, some practical examples about diferents programs defined during the course, will be shown.

Course Objective:

  • The main objective of the Course is to help Organizations related with maintenance to generate and manage efficient maintenance programs by optimizing maintenance practices (with the elimination of ineffective ones) and simplifying maintenance programs in order to achieve greater safety and productivity in the operation of aircraft with the lowest possible cost.
  • Safeguard the intrinsic safety standards for aircraft and its equipment.
  • Provide in-depth knowledge of how to generate an initial Maintenance Program and how it should be its evolution over time during all the life in service of the aircraft.
  • Sufficiently aware of the methodology and technique used by the MSG-3 to generate and review a maintenance program so that each operator can suit its particular needs to significantly improve both the availability and operational safety of their aircraft as the optimization of its costs.
  • Anticipate the strong connection between maintenance and reliability that should have influence in the existence of a Reliability Program.

Addressed to:

  • This course is aimed to professionals of aeronautical sector involved in the Maintenance Programs development, in both CAMO and MRO P145. Likewise, it is interesting for people that having the obligations to prepare an aircraft maintenance program, both in commercial and private operations, given that all the process followed by AESA, as Spanish CAA, will be detailed and specific requirements will be explained.

Technical requeriments virtual mode

  • Cable connection preferably to avoid connection failures
  • MANDATORY webcam and headphones connected throughout the course (not use pc speaker to avoid coupling sound)


  • Current edition: Spanish
  • Custom edition: Request


  • Current edition: 750 € (VAT exempt)
  • In-company or virtual edition: Contact us

This course includes the contents needed for developing a maintenance program for both CMPA and OtCMPA as per EASA Regulation (EU) 1321/2014, Annex I M.A. 302, and its AMC / GM.

It includes an specific module about MSG-3 methodology, where all the process established in this logic are detailed, in order to define the periodic maintenance task.

Also the manuals and documents to be included during the Operator Maintenance Program (OAMP) developing are detailed with some practical examples.

Several special cases will be defines, as the OMP needed for ETOPS, Low Utilization Program (LUP), storage program and maintenance task equalization, in order to have the best practical and economical control.

Spanish CAA approval procedure will be explained, using the guides and formats required by NAA.

Finally, some practical examples about diferents programs defined during the course, will be shown.

Course Objective:

  • The main objective of the Course is to help Organizations related with maintenance to generate and manage efficient maintenance programs by optimizing maintenance practices (with the elimination of ineffective ones) and simplifying maintenance programs in order to achieve greater safety and productivity in the operation of aircraft with the lowest possible cost.
  • Safeguard the intrinsic safety standards for aircraft and its equipment.
  • Provide in-depth knowledge of how to generate an initial Maintenance Program and how it should be its evolution over time during all the life in service of the aircraft.
  • Sufficiently aware of the methodology and technique used by the MSG-3 to generate and review a maintenance program so that each operator can suit its particular needs to significantly improve both the availability and operational safety of their aircraft as the optimization of its costs.
  • Anticipate the strong connection between maintenance and reliability that should have influence in the existence of a Reliability Program.

Addressed to:

  • This course is aimed to professionals of aeronautical sector involved in the Maintenance Programs development, in both CAMO and MRO P145. Likewise, it is interesting for people that having the obligations to prepare an aircraft maintenance program, both in commercial and private operations, given that all the process followed by AESA, as Spanish CAA, will be detailed and specific requirements will be explained.

Technical requeriments virtual mode

  • Cable connection preferably to avoid connection failures
  • MANDATORY webcam and headphones connected throughout the course (not use pc speaker to avoid coupling sound)


  • Current edition: Spanish
  • Custom edition: Request


  • Current edition: 750 € (VAT exempt)
  • In-company or virtual edition: Contact us
Trainair Plus
REGISTRO MERCANTIL: TOMO 838, FOLIO 121, HOJA 16835. C.I.F.: A-79818423